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The hair color that best suits you if your eyes are green, blue or brown

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When we want to change our look, the first thing we all ask ourselves is whether that hair color will suit us or not . We can always gamble and decide on impulse but if we want to be safe, it is best to take into account various aspects such as the type of cut we want to wear or the color of our skin.

Another determining factor when choosing is the color of our eyes and is that depending on whether they are blue, green or brown there will be some shades that favor us more and others less. However, here it will be more a matter of nuances than of colors themselves because we already anticipate that we can all carry everything. You just have to take into account some details, look, look …

When we want to change our look, the first thing we all ask ourselves is whether that hair color will suit us or not . We can always gamble and decide on impulse but if we want to be safe, it is best to take into account various aspects such as the type of cut we want to wear or the color of our skin.

Another determining factor when choosing is the color of our eyes and is that depending on whether they are blue, green or brown there will be some shades that favor us more and others less. However, here it will be more a matter of nuances than of colors themselves because we already anticipate that we can all carry everything. You just have to take into account some details, look, look …

Blue eyes + brown hair

Blue eyes + brown hair

Although many people associate blue eyes with very light skin, and therefore they think that dark hair color does not suit them, nothing is further from the truth. There we have the example of Courtney Cox. Of course, the best thing for a brunette hair in this case is to accompany it with some very subtle chocolate-colored highlights.

Blue eyes + brown hair

Blue eyes + brown hair

In the same way, brown hair is also a great ally for women with blue eyes, because it highlights that color much more, especially if you have bangs.

Blue eyes + red hair

Blue eyes + red hair

Many redheads have light eyes, so this is a great option for those with blue eyes. In this case, and if your skin is also fair like Jessica Chastain's, an orange redhead is one of the best options.

Blue eyes + fantasy hair

Blue eyes + fantasy hair

Fantasy hair colors are getting more and more. For blue eyes, we like worn pastel shades, especially pink.

Blue eyes + highlighted hair

Blue eyes + highlighted hair

A brown base with blonde highlights is a wild card, a type of coloration that always looks good, regardless of your eye color.

Blue eyes + blonde hair

Blue eyes + blonde hair

There was no doubt that this was a safe option. If you have blue eyes, blonde will look good on you, although there are many shades you can choose from. We really like this option, with the darker root and a gradient effect towards the ends.

Brown eyes + brown hair

Brown eyes + brown hair

One of the most obvious options for those with dark eyes is to wear hair the same color. It is elegant and sophisticated and no matter what skin color you have, it will always favor you, especially if you add slightly lighter highlights.

Brown eyes + brown hair

Brown eyes + brown hair

Brown hair is also a sure hit, but if you want to give your face some light, it is best to add some highlights in caramel and gold tones. In this way, your hair will take on a new dimension and the color of your eyes will appear more intense.

Brown eyes + blonde hair

Brown eyes + blonde hair

Can a brown-eyed brunette switch to classic blonde? Yes, as Emily Ratajkowski has shown, but you have to take certain precautions so that it is not completely unnatural such as leaving the root of your original tone and leaving your brows undyed.

Image: @emrata

Brown eyes + red hair

Brown eyes + red hair

It is not the most typical combination, that is clear, but that does not mean that it cannot be successful. In this case, it is better to stick with redder reddish, copper or even mahogany tones, instead of the more orange ones.

Brown eyes + platinum hair

Brown eyes + platinum hair

Again, this is not a very common choice, because naturally it is rare for someone to be so blond and have such dark eyes. However, Rita Ora feels great and as long as your skin is either very light or rather golden, it will look great on you. Now, keep in mind that it requires constant maintenance and care.

Brown eyes + fantasy hair

Brown eyes + fantasy hair

Our resounding yes to this combination of eye and hair color. With an eye color, let's say neutral, like brown, any fancy hair color, be it pink, blue, purple … is welcome, even in its most powerful versions.

Green eyes + blonde hair

Green eyes + blonde hair

Of course your blonde hair will look good if you have green eyes, it's a safe bet. Also, it doesn't matter what type of blonde you choose: Nordic, golden, ash … they will all look great on you.

Green eyes + red hair

Green eyes + red hair

Redheads usually either have blue eyes or green eyes, so this is also a good combination. You can try orange tones, but we like Julianne Moore's copper, it is very flattering and gives more warmth to the face.

Green eyes + brown hair

Green eyes + brown hair

A risk-free option that, if you leave it without shades, can be a bit flat. Get more out of your precious eye color with a slightly brighter brown, with lighter highlights that give you light and highlight your look. We recommend you join the Glossy Brown trend that, in addition, will take a few years off you at a stroke.

Green eyes + brown hair

Green eyes + brown hair

The beautiful Sara Sampaio is the best example that an almost jet-black hair is ideal when you have green eyes. With uniform hair color, the combination is perfect, but lighter locks in the middle and ends don't hurt either.

Green eyes + balayage hair

Green eyes + balayage hair

Wearing your hair in two well-blended tones is ideal for green-eyed chestnuts who want to flirt with blonde but don't dare to commit to a traditional dye or highlights. Balayages are a great option for them.