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Turkey dice with vegetables and cashews

Table of contents:


1 turkey breast
1 red onion
500 g of broccoli
20 g of peeled cashews
4 dates
1 tablespoon of honey
Soy sauce

Sauteed meat and vegetables are one of the most popular dishes that exist, because they can be made with practically any ingredient that you find in the fridge.

Our recipe for turkey dice with vegetables and cashews is easy to cook and very inexpensive. And the incorporation of cashews gives the dish the properties of nuts (one of the foods that is recommended to eat daily).

Thus you get a very nutritious and balanced dish (with turkey proteins, vegetable fiber and the benefits of cashews), which fits perfectly as a single dish. In addition, with the touch of nuts and honey it is exotic and sophisticated. And want more.

How to do it step by step

  1. Prepare the vegetables. First, peel the onion, chop it finely and reserve. Then, separate the broccoli into small twigs, wash them and dry them very well with kitchen paper. And finally, sauté the broccoli sprigs in a nonstick skillet with a string of oil for 5 minutes or so.
  2. Clean and brown the turkey. To start with, clean the breast of the remains of beef and fat. Then wash, dry, and dice the breast. Season them, lightly flour them and add them to the pan where you have been sautéing the broccoli. You just have to brown them on all sides along with the broccoli.
  3. Finish the dish. First, add the cashews to the whole, then the whole or chopped dates, and finally the onion. Stir and sauté all the ingredients until done, for about 2 minutes. To finish the dish, pour with soy sauce to taste, add a little honey and serve right away.


To brown the turkey properly

You have to do it over high heat, with a little butter or oil, until it has a toasted color. High temperatures cause the turkey to be sealed and thus it does not lose all its juices, making it tastier and less dry.