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Take care of your intestinal flora and achieve balance with a healthy diet

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The intestine contains more than 100 million bacteria that make up the intestinal flora. This has a mixed, immune and digestive function.

All the secrets of the gut

  • A great unknown. We relate the intestine only to the digestion and assimilation of food. And it is one of its functions, since it absorbs, on average, one and a half kilograms of food daily.
  • It is also a defensive organ. It has almost 70% of the body's immune cells, in addition to being the main barrier against the external environment.
  • Alerts that something is wrong. Headache, bad breath, extreme tiredness and very smelly decompositions, as well as bloating, gas or flatulence, can be related to what happens in the intestine.
  • Why it works wrong. Intestinal dysfunction is mainly due to an unbalanced flora due to an inadequate diet, constipation, the consumption of antibiotics and other drugs, or due to chronic stress.
  • How to take care of the intestinal flora. Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and with good hydration. Regularly practice physical activity: if we do not move, the intestine moves less and works worse. To improve digestive balance, we have two natural aids: prebiotics and probiotics.
  • What are prebiotics. They are non-digestible and fermentable molecules with a beneficial effect on the growth and activity of certain bacteria in the intestinal flora. They are fibers mainly from vegetables and fruits. They cause healthy modifications of the flora, of which they are like their food.
  • What are probiotics. They are live microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts …) that, when ingested in adequate quantities so that they reach the intestine alive, produce a beneficial effect on health. They do not renew the flora - everyone has their own, it is like a DNI - but they help to rebalance it. They are found in fermented dairy, fortified foods, and food supplements.

Besides eating fruits, vegetables and yogurt …

  • Radish: increases intestinal flora and fights harmful bacteria that cause gas.
  • Sauerkraut: when fermenting the cabbage, dairy bacteria and enzymes appear that are very beneficial.
  • Fermented soybeans : miso –paste that results from fermenting soybeans with cereals and mushrooms– is very rich in fiber.
  • Dark chocolate: the polyphenols in this chocolate favor the flora and have a protective action.

And if you have more questions about what you eat, do not miss all the articles in the nutrition office.