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With the heat I drink more fruit, can I drink less water?

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A fairly frequent question in the office is whether you can drink less water when, in summer, you eat a lot more fruit, which is supposed to be full of water. Well, the answer is that in no way can you reduce the amount of water you drink by eating fruit, much less in the hottest season of the year.

In summer, drink a lot more water

The Dr. José Manuel Fernández, coordinator of the Working Group on Nutrition SEMERGEN, says that not only should drink less but, to the contrary, to keep well hydrated during hot weather ideally increase the amount of fluids you drink daily.

  • Why more? In summer you sweat more and, therefore, there is an extra loss of water through the skin that must be recovered.
  • Drink even without thirst. Don't wait until your urine is dark or you're thirsty. When this happens, there is usually already a hydration deficit.

How much water should you drink?

The WHO recommends drinking two liters of water a day, but most of us stick to one and a half liters. To adjust it well and maintain a balanced hydration level, it is considered that each person should drink about 20 ml of water for each kilo of ideal weight, in addition to the water contained in food. For example, if your ideal weight is 60 kilos you should drink 1,200 ml of water a day.

And why is water so necessary?

Water improves your digestion, the appearance of your skin, and even fills you with energy. And on top of that it has no calories and helps you lose weight. However, despite all these advantages, half of the Spanish do not drink enough water. If you are one of those who have a hard time doing it, don't miss our tricks to drink more water almost without realizing it.