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How to cleanse yourself in a healthy way to take care of your liver and kidney

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What are the most frequent mistakes after the holidays?

Follow miracle diets with a single food or based on syrups with water, or eat only fruits throughout the day. These practices only manage to eliminate water but do not facilitate the work of the liver. In addition, they put significant stress on all cells in the body, forcing them to age faster.

What should be avoided?

Even if you have the feeling that a good cleansing is needed, it should never be extreme, and less from the outset, since too many toxins can be released at the same time and severe headaches and fatigue can appear.

It is better to start small or consult with a specialist. People who are obese or very overweight feel very bad if they follow a very strict cleansing diet, since it is basically in the fat where toxic substances accumulate.

What is the best way to cleanse the body?

You have to start by following an almost vegetarian diet, maximum one week, in which you have to consume many seasonal vegetables. Discover how you can start a cleansing diet to eliminate fluids.

How should the menus be?

Very light and in several shots. Breakfast and snack, based on fruit and natural yogurt. And the lunches and dinners, which include first courses based on vegetables in the form of soups or purees with little salt and cold-pressed olive oil. Second, light steamed or baked fish.

Before meals, it is advisable to take choleretic infusions, such as boldo or honeydew. And after meals, green tea or chamomile with anise.

What are the most and least recommended foods?

You have to eat foods that facilitate the work of the liver, such as those from the cabbage family (cauliflower, broccoli), onion, garlic, artichoke, black radish, milk thistle, watercress, legumes, raw nuts and algae. And you have to avoid industrially made products, red meat, coffee and alcohol. This list with the 16 foods that will help you eliminate liquids will be great for you.

The best natural remedies

  • Healthy liver. It is the purifying organ par excellence and to help you do your job we have plants that stimulate liver functions and promote the elimination of toxins.
  • Milk thistle. It contains a substance, silymarin, which has antioxidant properties (ten times more powerful than vitamin E), detoxifying and regenerating the liver cell.
  • Artichoke. Regulates liver functions, especially bile formation and detoxifying functions. In addition to taking its extract, you can benefit from its properties by eating it regularly.
  • Before taking them. Medicinal plants can have side effects or incompatibilities. Pregnant women and those taking medication should consult before using them.

And if you have more questions about nutrition, take a look at the rest of the articles in my office.