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What to do to avoid sweating and to combat hyperhidrosis

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We don't like to sweat, and even less if sweat makes us smell bad. But as much as it costs us to accept it, sweating is necessary. It is a natural function that is activated when our body temperature rises. The brain sends signals to the sweat glands to sweat and thus regulate temperature.

How can I sweat less?

  1. Less fat. One of the causes of sweating is the accumulation of fat and the high availability of fuel in the body. To avoid this, moderate the consumption of fatty foods such as chocolate, butter, cold cuts, cheese …
  2. Nerves play a role. When you feel anxious or live a moment of tension, your breathing and your heart rate accelerate. Increased blood pumping, increased oxygenation, and increased energy consumption result in increased heat and sweating. Try to be calm and perform relaxation techniques, as it can help you to be less stressed and, therefore, to sweat less.
  3. Appropriate clothing. Garments made of synthetic fibers - and tight to the armpits - make you sweat more. To avoid this, it is best to wear loose cotton or linen clothing so that the skin breathes and the sweat evaporates naturally.
  4. Drink water. In fact, if you don't drink enough, your body can't cool down, so your body will sweat to try to lower your body temperature.
  5. Be careful with the spicy. The capsaicin in the spice activates the thermal sensors in the mouth, making the body believe that we are warming up. If you want to avoid sweating, don't eat very spicy foods.
  6. Sage. Drink an infusion of sage to decrease the activity of the sweat glands.
  7. Hair removal. Sweat (99% water) has no odor when it is secreted. It is the bacteria on the skin that break it down. To avoid unpleasant odor, keep hairy areas well shaved, as hair "hides" bacteria.

You can also reduce sweating by avoiding somefoods such as caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, spicy foods, or sugar.

Deodorant or antiperspirant?

It is convenient to differentiate them because they have a different utility, although some products combine the two actions.

  • The deodorant. It is the most used. Its function is to reduce the growth of bacteria and help neutralize odor. The most advanced formulas also allow the skin to reduce moisture.
  • The antiperspirant. For cases in which armpit sweating is excessive, this product is used, which closes the pores and blocks the secretion of sweat.

Components of deodorants

  • Antiseptics They stop the growth of bacteria, responsible for the breakdown of sweat and bad odor. They do not completely eliminate them to respect the balance of the skin flora. They can be of synthetic origin (triclosan) or natural (colloidal silver, farnesol).
  • Odor neutralizers. They deactivate bacterial enzymes, reducing odor. The most used are trehalose sugar, citrates and zinc salts.
  • Antioxidants Like tocopherol, they stop the oxidation of sweat in contact with air, preventing the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Moisture absorbents. They are of mineral origin, such as talc, kaolin and perlite.
  • Moisturizing and soothing. Among them, glycerin and bisabolol.
  • Antiperspirants. If the product has this action, the most common are aluminum and zirconium salts. Both are well tolerated by sensitive skin.
  • Other substances Silicones, which improve the sliding of the roll-on and accelerate drying.

How to avoid sweating on your hands

In addition to the armpits, the gutter or the neck, one of the most uncomfortable areas where many people usually perspire is through the hands. This creates an unpleasant wet hand effect . If the problem is one-off, apply talcum powder to the palms.

If the problem is constant, use an antiperspirant lotion: before going to bed, wash and dry your hands very well, apply the lotion and leave it on overnight, since this is the time when sweat production is lowest and the product better penetrates the pores. The next morning, wash your hands very well. Repeat 4 nights in a row and you will notice that the sweat subsides. To maintain the results, space the treatment twice a week.

How to avoid sweating your feet

There are some people who are affected by excessive sweating and bad foot odor. To combat it, wash them daily and use an antiperspirant, this will reduce the secretion of sweat. In addition, it contains antiseptics that destroy the bacteria that break it down. Also put it inside your shoes.

Medical treatments against sweat

If the techniques described above don't work, see your doctor. With Botox injections, hyperhidrosis can be controlled for half a year. The surgery is definitive and does not require hospital admission.

  • The laser. With a point of local anesthesia and a 2 mm incision, the sweat glands that oversecrete are selectively destroyed. In one week, sweating decreases by 80%.
  • Botulinum toxin. Botox is pricked into the axillary glands. As they produce sweat, the neurological impulses that stimulate it are inhibited and secretion is reduced by up to 80%. The effects are noticeable in 24-48 hours.
  • Medicines. Certain medicines can prevent stimulation of the sweat glands. These are prescribed for certain types of hyperhidrosis, such as excessive sweating on the face. The drugs have side effects and are not suitable for everyone.
  • Iontophoresis. This procedure, most effective for sweating of the hands and feet, uses electricity to temporarily deactivate the sweat glands. The hands or feet are put into water and then a mild electrical current is passed through it. The electricity is gradually increased until the patient feels a slight tingling sensation.
  • Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) . In some severe cases, a minimally invasive surgical procedure called a sympathectomy may be recommended if other treatments have not worked.

What is hyperhidrosis?

3% of the population sweat even when the body does not need to cool down, or it does so excessively due to an exaggerated response of the vegetative nervous system. This problem is called hyperhidrosis and it is mainly reflected in the armpits, hands, feet and on the face.

In these cases, sweating is also produced by psychological factors and has to do with confidence and self-esteem. Situations or circumstances that generate great emotional stress can trigger that, at the slightest stimulus, a person with hyperhidrosis increases their body temperature and begins to sweat.