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Blanca suárez has the best look we've seen in a long time


Okay, we like to recreate ourselves in the red carpet looks and hunting for the best outfits of the famous, but sometimes, you don't have to go that far. That is what happened to us when we saw the photo that Blanca Suárez posted today on her Instagram profile.

As you can see in the photo, the actress from Las Chicas del Cable is gorgeous and with a super cool look. The best of all? Surely you can also recreate this outfit with clothes that you have at home. In fact, you only need two: a long dress with a tulle skirt and a denim jacket. If you do not have a long dress - tulle is not necessary but it does have flare - you can change this garment for a graceful long skirt and a top that you have at home.

The only thing missing from this look that we are going to copy from Blanca tomorrow - with a chubby coat over it, of course - is the footwear. We would put on high boots above the knee or, to fool ourselves, white sneakers.

And what about the wonderful hair color that Blanca Suárez wears (again?) In the photo? Blonde, with the roots darker than the rest and with a tousled appearance that we love. Laugh at bad hair day , now what is done is not combing your hair, directly. The photo is completed with a perfect pedicure in a burgundy tone that could not be more fashionable and a natural makeup with the eyeshadow a little more marked. Verdict of the whole set?