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Bio oil: the most famous oil that works for everything

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Bio Oil is one of the best-selling cosmetics in our country (and in many others) because it serves a lot of things and it has also proven to be effective in some critical moments for the skin. But as we are all increasingly concerned about what we apply and we look at it with a magnifying glass, it is convenient to stop to know what ingredients our cosmetics contain.

We have already clarified that NONE is toxic or anything similar, and not only in Bio Oil, but in all the ones we use, because the European Chemical Products Agency is in charge of regulating everything that our creams and makeup carry and has in the Agency His "subsidiary" in our country, following his recommendations. So that "toxic free" label could be worn by everyone, just like the "cruelty free" label, but that's another matter. Having made this clarification, we are going to analyze what the Bio Oil contains.

Bio Oil, everything you need to know

  • What is it for? Bio Oil is a mixture of essential oils and other ingredients that, according to the brand itself, serves to "improve the appearance of old and new scars, reduce the possibility of stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as growth marks in adolescents and those derived from rapid weight gain. " Furthermore, it also "helps to improve the appearance of skin blemishes and to smooth and tone aging skin."
  • How is it used? According to the package, it must be applied "twice a day for a minimum of three months. During pregnancy, apply twice a day from the beginning of the second trimester." In practice, it is applied to clean skin with a gentle massage and must be soaked in for a few minutes before dressing, as is the case with almost any non-dry touch oil.
  • That carries? The INCI (ingredient list) of Bio Oil , like that of any other cosmetic, is ordered from highest to lowest amount of those ingredients. The main ingredient in Bio Oil is Paraffinum Liquidum , that is, liquid paraffin, a derivative of petroleum. Its function is to be emollient, which smoothes and softens the skin, and protective, because it avoids the damage produced by external factors. It also allows it to spread better and prevents the skin from becoming dehydrated. It is antistatic, so it works great for hair. The second ingredient is Triisononanoin , which is also an emollient and skin conditioner. The third ingredient is the star of the formula, Cetearyl Ethylhexanoatewhich the brand has patented as PurCellinTM, but which is actually the same and is used in other formulas as well. According to what appears on the packaging itself, "it reduces the consistency of the formula and facilitates absorption."

Another of the main ingredients is Retinyl Palmitate and also one of the most controversial, because it has been linked to cancer when there is no evidence for it. It has vitamin A and retinol, which is great for the skin , but it is true that it comes from palm oil and, although it is safe on the skin, it does cause enormous environmental problems. Another of those weird names that appear in the INCI is Tocopheryl Acetate, that is, vitamin E, a good antioxidant .

And then come all those natural oils , the sunflower, also rich in vitamin E, the lavender and the rosemary, which are responsible more than anything, for how good it smells, the calendula that helps to heal, the soybean which also has vitamin E and chamomile flower, with a calming effect.

  • Do you have any contraindications? The same packaging warns that it is for non-comedogenic skin. What does that mean? As it has some occlusive ingredients, it is not recommended for skin with pimples or blackheads because it will cause more to appear. But that does not mean that it does not let the skin 'breathe', more than anything because the skin does not breathe, it is one of those myths that have always tried to strain us, what prevents it from becoming dehydrated . You can apply it in a specific way on a pimple to heal before. Is it for stains? Yes, but not for the most serious and persistent.
  • Is it Bio? No. The answer is emphatic and clear. Bio Oil is not Bio. It is so called because there is no legislation that prevents it, nor does it have to justify the name by carrying biological ingredients. The main problem is that there is no specific legislation for natural cosmetics and the only way to certify that something is Bio is for a private company that distributes stamps to give you theirs upon payment. If you do not see stamps on the packaging, do not trust that cosmetics are natural only by name.

In conclusion, it is an effective and safe cosmetic, which is great for dry skin and to blur scars or prevent stretch marks from appearing. Its use depends on the priorities and thoughts of each one about the origin of the ingredients , because there are lots of products with similar properties, it depends on whether you like them more or less.

Bio Oil, € 21.80 / 200ml