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Foods to sleep better and have sweet dreams

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What is the password

What is the password

The secret of food to sleep well is in tryptophan, an essential amino acid in the production of serotonin and melatonin, the main responsible for us having sweet dreams. If you can't sleep (and the trick to fall asleep fast in 60 seconds doesn't work), include them in your diet.

The magic of cherries

The magic of cherries

Cherries are one of the main foods with melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep cycles.

  • So that it works well. It is recommended to eat them about an hour before going to bed to give it time to take effect.

The efficacy of the egg

The efficacy of the egg

Among the foods with tryptophan, the egg stands out, which, in addition to tryptophan, contains phosphatidylserine, a phospholipid that helps improve mood and mental development.

  • So that it is not heavy for you. It is preferable to cook it simply, without frying or stewing.

Fish relaxes you

Fish relaxes you

Fish is one of the main foods rich in tryptophan, the amino acid that promotes sleep.

  • The blues, like salmon, a plus. According to studies from the University of Pennsylvania (USA) published in Scientific Reports, there are less disturbances at bedtime and better rest when eating fish rich in omega 3. Discover the benefits of these fatty acids to lose weight.

A glass of warm milk

A glass of warm milk

Drinking warm milk before bed helps you fall asleep. Apart from tryptophan, it has calcium, magnesium and zinc, which help the brain to use this amino acid effectively. And the heat has a calming effect on the body.

  • Not just milk. Yogurt and cheese are also rich in tryptophan and the same minerals.

Whole grains

Whole grains

Wholegrain oats, wheat, rice or pasta provide B vitamins, which are necessary for the transformation of tryptophan into serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates sleep together with melatonin.

  • Other properties. In addition, they provide slow-absorbing carbohydrates, which promotes satiety and well-being.

Banana, sleeping pill

Banana, sleeping pill

According to experts from the Sleep Research Chair of the University of Granada, the banana acts as a sleeping pill.

  • Relaxing. Besides being rich in tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin and melatonin, it has potassium and magnesium, essential for relaxation. And if you wonder if it is better to take green or ripe banana, here is the answer.

White meats

White meats

If you want to have meat for dinner, go for the white ones: chicken, turkey, rabbit … They are low in fat and very rich in protein and tryptophan, which makes them filling, easy to digest, and stimulates the production of serotonin and melatonin .

  • More benefits. They provide type B vitamins, and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which contribute to muscle relaxation.

Relaxing infusions

Relaxing infusions

Although it is sometimes tempting to jump into the arms of sleeping pills, it is much healthier to use the power of medicinal plants. Here you have infusions to sleep better and wake up more beautiful. The infusions of valerian, linden, chamomile, passionflower or poppy are especially effective.

  • Be careful … In order not to feel like going to the bathroom during the night and break your sleep, don't drink so much during dinner and thus leave room for the infusion.

Pineapple to rest

Pineapple to rest

A little pineapple before bed can help you fall asleep.

  • It not only has tryptophan, but also bromelain, an enzyme that favors the digestion of proteins, reduces stomach discomfort and promotes a restful sleep. However, it is also responsible for some people's tongue itching when they eat pineapple.

Powerful almonds

Powerful almonds

Taking a handful of these healthy nuts before bed is also effective.

  • They contain tryptophan, magnesium and calcium, which induce sleep, and provides a feeling of satiety, preventing you from waking up due to hunger.