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5 mistakes we make when washing dishes that put our health at risk

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"The best crimes for my novels have occurred to me washing dishes. Washing dishes turns anyone into a first-rate homicidal maniac," Agatha Christie once said . Who knows, maybe you can take advantage of the fact that you are at home to bring out your most creative streak, while doing this task … Although while the inspiration to write comes to you, take a look at the 5 mistakes we all make when washing dishes and that could well be the protagonists of a horror story … what a scare!

These are the mistakes we all make when washing dishes

  • Use the conventional scourer (made of plastic, polyester or polyamide). According to a study carried out by the Institute for Precision Medicine (IPM) at the University of Furtwangen (Germany), the everyday object with the most bacteria in the whole house is the kitchen scrubber . And no, boiling it doesn't kill 100% of the bacteria that live on the sponge. As if that were not enough, with use, the scourers release microfibers that end up in the sink drain, pass the water filtration systems and end up in the sea, causing the fish to mistake them for food. They absorb toxins and can become very polluting … The solution? Better bet on an eco sponge,a 100% biodegradable and compostable natural option. Our recommendation? You can choose a loofah or a loofah (a tropical plant that turns into a fibrous material that is used as a loofah), you can use it for about 5 months!
  • Don't wash your hands first. It seems obvious, but it is not. Before doing the dishes, wash your hands with soap as they can be a source of bacteria contamination.
  • Wash in a dirty sink. eye! In case you didn't know, according to the Sanytol Study on hygiene habits at home, carried out by the Foundation for Health and Social Security Studies (FESS) and the University of Barcelona, your sink contains more bacteria than the toilet , for very strange that you think. Specifically, it concentrates up to 100,000 times more germs … And it is a humid area to which food remains are added, which makes it an ideal place for the development of micro-organisms. Our recommendation? Clean it daily with vinegar and baking soda or vinegar and salt.
  • Use cold water. To achieve a complete bacterial disinfection of the dishes, it is important that the water is very hot, keep in mind that cold water is not capable of removing dirt to the same level.
  • Beware of utensils that have touched raw meat. Leave them last to avoid cross contamination. Cross contamination occurs when "healthy" foods come into contact with other "contaminated" foods and end up becoming contaminated as well.