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5 beauty mistakes we will make in confinement and that we can avoid

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We are in a state of alert due to COVID-19 and we are going to spend a season (hopefully not very long) without leaving home. You have to see the positive side of the matter and handle this situation of confinement in the best possible way.

We advise you to take advantage of this moment to fully enjoy your beauty routine and give yourself that extra portion of pampering and care that you normally would not have time to do in your day-to-day life. But beware of falling into those beauty mistakes that you will regret later. You are warned!

Beauty mistakes we should avoid

  • Cut your bangs. Not being able to leave the house gives free rein to creativity, but it is not a good idea to cut your bangs or make a change of look, because then the regrets will come. If you want to look different, you can use this imagination to practice different makeup than what you usually do with YouTube tutorials.
  • Plucking the eyebrows too much. If you normally go to a beauty salon specializing in eyebrow design, do not pluck them yourself because you can destroy yourself and remove hairs that you should not. Also be careful if you wear eyelash extensions, if you are losing a lot and you cannot have them filled or removed, do not pull out one of them because you will regret it later!
  • Pinch the pimples. Take the opportunity to put on masks and clean your skin well, but do not pinch the pimples or blackheads because you will make small wounds on the skin that will leave marks.
  • To bite nails. At this moment we are living in a situation that can generate more stress than normal and it is important that you do not make the mistake of reshaping your nails. Especially if you wear them acrylic or gel, because you will damage your nail a lot, they will weaken and it will cost you more to have them strong again. You can take advantage of confinement to innovate with your manicure.
  • Exfoliate the skin more than necessary. It is more than enough to do it once a week and if we exfoliate the skin too much, we can damage it. Haven't tried the exfoliating powder yet? It's the bomb!

And if you want to know other mistakes that we have all made at some time, but that we can take advantage of to stop doing, do not miss this video of Patry Jordán .

Also take advantage of these days to do sports, you can take a look at the best YouTube channels and Instagram accounts to make exercising at home easier and more fun. And be careful with being all day in pajamas, we recommend these comfortable and beautiful ideas to look super stylish at home.