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30 Healthy, Delicious and Easy Dinners to Make

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Green bean soup with prawns

Green bean soup with prawns

It is a variation of the classic sautéed beans with prawns but with the "camouflaged" vegetables, so that it goes more unnoticed and enters more easily. In addition, as it can also be taken cold, it fits at any time of year. And the detail of the prawns gives it a sophisticated touch. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Green beans, like green leafy vegetables, are rich in magnesium, a mineral that regulates the absorption and assimilation of calcium.

Salmon with vegetables in its juice

Salmon with vegetables in its juice

In a papillote or in a silicone case, cook some salmon fillets accompanied by wild asparagus, broccoli sprigs and tomatoes. You can also make it in a baking dish, covered with aluminum foil or sulfurized.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Between 30 and 60 g per day of oily fish, such as salmon, meet the needs of omega 3. These fatty acids help keep the mind agile and the heart healthy.

Light vegetable lasagna

Light vegetable lasagna

Our version of veggie lasagna has 200 fewer calories than a lifetime, but it's just as complete. To achieve this, we do without the meat and the sauce and, instead, we put only vegetables and mushrooms, which are very satiating. And for the bechamel, we put skimmed milk, in addition to reducing the flour and oil to the minimum expression. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Mushrooms are one of the most antioxidant foods and stresses its supply of selenium, with anticancer properties.

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Roast rabbit with potatoes

Roast rabbit with potatoes

In an ovenproof dish, place some potatoes sautéed with onion and garlic, and on top of it pieces of rabbit. Garnish with oil, salt, pepper, paprika and a sprig of rosemary. And bake about 30 minutes in the oven preheated to 180º.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: White meats, and especially rabbits, are low in fat and easily digested, the same as potatoes. If you suffer from heavy digestion, this dish will be a fable for you.

Scrambled eggs with asparagus and mushrooms

Scrambled eggs with asparagus and mushrooms

Sauté some boiled wild asparagus (you can also do it with raw asparagus if you like them al dente) along with mushrooms, and add a beaten egg and stir. A complete, satiating and diuretic recipe.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: The asparginic acid in asparagus provides diuretic properties, although it is not suitable for people with kidney problems. If you cook them, the tips take less time.

Broccoli and potato gratin

Broccoli and potato gratin

First, boil or steam peeled potato and broccoli sprigs. Then, place them in a baking dish, cover with a light béchamel (with skim milk), and gratin.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Broccoli, in addition to providing a large amount of calcium and other minerals, is an antioxidant and a good source of vitamin K, necessary to fix calcium in the bones.

Brown Rice With Vegetables

Brown Rice With Vegetables

We love this rice because it is delicious, easy, inexpensive, and only has 220 calories. In addition, as it only contains rice, vegetables and nuts, it works as a single dish and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, since it does not have any ingredients of animal origin. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Brown rice preserves vitamin E and B vitamins. The latter are involved in cell renewal processes and contribute to skin with fewer wrinkles.

Fish sautéed with pepper and mushrooms

Fish sautéed with pepper and mushrooms

To do this, you just have to sauté some strips of green peppers with mushrooms, and then add some diced grilled or steamed fish .

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Mushrooms are one of the foods with the highest number of antioxidants, and among them their contribution of selenium stands out, with proven anti-cancer properties.

Pumpkin curry cream

Pumpkin curry cream

Vegetable creams are a perfect fit as a healthy dinner. Here you have a super light based on pumpkin, chives, almonds, curry and seeds with a delicious flavor and an irresistible look. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: The beta carotenes in pumpkin act as antioxidants, protecting the skin from free radicals.

Vegetable skewers

Vegetable skewers

Dice the eggplant and pumpkin. Insert them on skewer sticks alternated with strips of green pepper and onion. And cook them in the oven or on the grill. You can accompany it with some fish or lean grilled meat .

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Vegetables, in addition to being antioxidants, are very rich in fiber, which favors intestinal transit. At night, it is better to eat them cooked to prevent them from being indigestible.

Egg with potatoes and paprika

Egg with potatoes and paprika

Combining the energy power of the egg with the satiating of the potato and the antioxidant of the pepper make this recipe an ideal 3 in 1 when you arrive at dinner very hungry. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Potatoes provide a large amount of vitamins C and B group, as well as minerals. And if they are cooked or baked as in this dish, they are not as caloric as you think: only 80 cal. per 100 g.

Couscous with vegetables

Couscous with vegetables

In a bowl with a handful of couscous, add boiling water, stir, cover 5 minutes until the water is absorbed, and reserve. Sauté some vegetables cut into very small squares and reserve. Roast some nuts. And mix it all together with some raisins and a thread of olive oil.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Whole wheat couscous is a good source of vitamin E and B vitamins, which together contribute to the good health of the nervous system. And it is also rich in fiber and protein.

Mackerel with vegetables

Mackerel with vegetables

Sauté some diced vegetables and reserve. Wash the mackerel, remove the bones and cut it into large pieces. Season and brown them, and add them to the sauteed vegetables. Cook everything together for a few more minutes, add a little white wine if you wish, and aromatize with oregano.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Mackerel and other oily fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and not only enhance the absorption of calcium, but also reduce its loss through the urine.

Sautéed noodles with chirlas and prawns

Sautéed noodles with chirlas and prawns

If you want a delicious and complete dinner, but light at the same time, this is your recipe. Sautéed noodles with chirlas and prawns are not at all heavy thanks to the low calorie content of the seafood and the powerful fat burning effect of these two ingredients. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Clams are one of the foods with the most iron to fight anemia. No less than 24 mg of iron can contain 100 grams of clams.

Turkey and vegetable skewers

Turkey and vegetable skewers

On skewer sticks, alternate bell pepper strips, zucchini slices and turkey cubes, and grill them in the oven or on a grill. If you want it to be more nutritious, you can add a handful of rice or quinoa as a side.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Turkey is very rich in vitamin B12, the true fat burning vitamin, which you only find in meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

Carrot cream

Carrot cream

Vegetable creams are one of the stars of the cookbook. They are taken hot and cold, you can prepare them in advance and they help you to meet the maximum of five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Carrot is the tuber with the most vitamins and minerals. It is perfect for taking care of eye health, prepares the skin for a tan, and also prevents premature aging and protects against some types of cancer.

Vegetable omelet

Vegetable omelet

Sauté the vegetables that you have on hand in the fridge, drain them to eliminate excess liquid, mix them with beaten egg and curdle in a non-stick pan as you do with the potato omelette. And if you are not good at making tortillas, try our step by step to make a prize potato omelette.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: The egg provides you with proteins of high biological value and, in addition, it satisfies you for much longer.

Sauteed mushrooms with gluttony

Sauteed mushrooms with gluttony

In a pan with a thread of olive oil, sauté some garlic together with some mushrooms and, when they are done, add some eels and sauté everything together for a couple more minutes. If you are very hungry, you can add an egg or a whipped white to make it more satiating.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: One of the fibers present in greater quantity in mushrooms is chitin, known for helping to nourish the collagen fibers of the joints and skin.

Stuffed turkey rolls

Stuffed turkey rolls

Here you have some meat rolls made of turkey, cooked ham and cheese, accompanied by a sauce of an onion and tomato sauce, which have 160 calories less than a traditional meat roll and, therefore, not a single regret. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: The leaner a sausage is, as in this case cooked ham, the less fat it will have (but be careful with its salt content).

Al dente vegetable wok

Vegetable wok al dente

Take the vegetables that you like the most or have on hand in the fridge, cut them into strips, sauté them in a wok along with some mushrooms and season with soy sauce. If you want extra protein, you can add tofu or diced chicken .

  • STAR INGREDIENT: As a main dish or a side dish of meat, vegetables are an important source of fiber, especially green beans, which provide 3 of fiber for every 100 g.

Tortilla rolls

Tortilla rolls

Omelettes are a classic of express dinners. But they can be a bit bland and incomplete if you limit yourself to the typical French omelette. The one in our recipe, with arugula and goat cheese, is like giving yourself a feast, but super complete and without lifting a finger. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Although it can be very caloric depending on the type, cheese is rich in calcium, protein and zinc.

If you add a little Serrano ham to these tortilla rolls, they will be an ideal dinner suitable for the ketogenic diet.

Pea cream with poached egg

Pea cream with poached egg

You need a quarter of a leek, a small potato, three handfuls of frozen peas, and an egg. Sauté the leek and the potato in a saucepan for about 5 minutes. Add the peas, add water until they are covered, cook 15 more minutes and blend. To complete, add ham shavings and hard-boiled egg.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Peas are a legume rich in protein, vitamins and minerals with little fat and few calories.

Canned sardines with cooked potato

Canned sardines with cooked potato

Take some potato slices and onion rings and cook them in a silicone case in the microwave. You just have to put a little water in the bottom of the container and cook for 5-10 minutes. Once cooked, serve them with some canned sardines (which even canned are very healthy) on top.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Sardines and, in general, blue fish are great allies of the beauty of the skin, increase its luminosity and reduce bags thanks to its omega 3 acids.

Quinoa salad with pepper and mushrooms

Quinoa salad with pepper and mushrooms

In addition to being a very versatile product that can be combined with many foods, quinoa has so many benefits that it should be a staple in the diet. It provides fiber, protein and is also an excellent source of calcium. And since it is gluten-free, it is suitable for coeliacs. See recipe step by step.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Quinoa is very rich in proteins, which stimulate collagen production and skin repair, and also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Here are more easy-to-prepare quinoa recipes.

Grilled squid with vegetables

Grilled squid with vegetables

You just have to make some grilled squid and accompany them with some sautéed vegetables. Easier, impossible.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Squids are ideal foods for diet, since they provide many proteins, which are very satiating, and, if they are not fried, very few calories. In addition, their firm meat forces us to chew them slowly and this makes us feel more satisfied.

Turkey with zucchini chips

Turkey with zucchini chips

Wash, sprout a zucchini. Cut it into thin slices and arrange them in a baking dish lined with parchment paper. Season them, sprinkle them with a string of oil and roast them for 30 minutes in the oven preheated to 100º. Halfway through cooking, flip them so they are golden brown and crisp. While it cooks, sauté onion and pepper, add some turkey cubes and sauté for a few more minutes . Add some tender sprouts of spinach, cook a little and serve with the zucchini chips.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Although it has very few calories, zucchini provides a lot of fiber and many essential nutrients: folic acid, potassium, iron, manganese, vitamin A and vitamin C. To take advantage of the latter, you have to consume it raw or undercooked. More zucchini recipes here.

Veal rolls with vegetables

Veal rolls with vegetables

On one side, brown some wide strips of beef fillet on both sides. And on the other hand, take zucchini, pepper, carrot, onion (or whatever vegetable you have on hand); wash and cut into strips; and sauté them with a thread of oil. Spread these vegetables over the veal strips. Make rolls, close them with a toothpick, and roast them for about 8 minutes in the oven preheated to 180º.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Although red meat should not be abused, eating veal on time can be beneficial because it has a lot of vitamin B12, a vitamin whose deficiency is associated with low bone density.

Hake loin with ratatouille

Hake loin with ratatouille

To make this recipe, you just have to make a grilled or steamed hake loin, and place it on a vegetable ratatouille that you can make specially or have it prepared in advance or pre-cooked. And to make it more appetizing, you can decorate it with aromatic herbs and a thread of olive oil.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: Hake is rich in protein and stands out for its richness in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B9, B12). These vitamins, except B12, allow the use of energy nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins).

Quinoa stuffed artichokes

Quinoa stuffed artichokes

Preheat the oven to 200º. Cut off the tops of the artichokes and the stems. Remove surface leaves and lint and leaves from the inside. Drizzle with a few drops of lemon juice. Steam them for about 30 minutes. Fill them with a mixture of pre-cooked quinoa, sautéed vegetables and spices. Arrange them on a baking tray, sprinkle Parmesan on top, and bake for 10 minutes at 200º.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: The artichoke is diuretic and favors liver detoxification among other benefits (discover more recipes with artichokes that give a lot of play). However, lactating women should moderate their consumption because it alters the taste of milk.

Broccoli with mackerel

Broccoli with mackerel

Take some broccoli saplings, wash them and cook them in salted water for about 3 minutes. Then, make a mince of onion, carrot, pepper and tomato, and fry it to avoid being indigestible. Finally, add the cooked broccoli and the drained and chopped mackerel, and drizzle with a light vinaigrette. In addition to being one of the easiest broccoli recipes, it is only 180 calories.

  • STAR INGREDIENT: The body transforms the sulfur compounds in broccoli into an anticancer substance called sulphorophan. This same substance starts a chemical reaction that leads to fat burning. To take full advantage of the nutrients in broccoli, don't overcook it.

30 healthy dinners easy to make and delicious!

  • Green bean soup with prawns
  • Salmon with vegetables
  • Light vegetable lasagna
  • Roast rabbit with potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs with asparagus and mushrooms
  • Broccoli and potato gratin
  • Brown Rice With Vegetables
  • Fish sautéed with pepper and mushrooms
  • Pumpkin curry cream
  • Vegetable skewers
  • Egg with potatoes and paprika
  • Couscous with vegetables
  • Mackerel with vegetables
  • Sauteed noodles with clams and prawns
  • Turkey and vegetable skewers
  • Carrot cream
  • Vegetable omelet
  • Sauteed mushrooms with eels
  • Stuffed turkey rolls
  • Vegetable Wok
  • Vegetable rolls
  • Pea cream with poached egg
  • Canned sardines with cooked potato
  • Quinoa salad with vegetables
  • Grilled squid with vegetables
  • Turkey with zucchini chips
  • Veal rolls with vegetables
  • Hake loin with ratatouille
  • Artichokes with quinoa
  • Broccoli with mackerel

What for dinner to be healthy and not gain weight

The perfect dinner as part of a healthy diet depends a lot on what you have eaten throughout the day and on your physical activity. But there is no doubt that it should be light (but not scarce), complete (but without excess) to cover the hours of sleep, and digestive, to facilitate rest.

  • Yes to light but filling dishes. Cooked vegetables and vegetable creams nourish and leave you satiated.
  • Don't abuse protein and fat. If you eat a lot of proteins (meats, eggs, fish) or fats (sausages, cured cheeses …), you will make digestion difficult and sleep worse.
  • Beware of flatulent foods. Gas-producing cabbages and legumes can end up giving you the night (both you and those who share your bed).
  • Moderate the spicy. They make your body temperature rise and consequently make it harder for you to sleep.
  • Do not drink too much. Trying to comply at the end of the day with the recommendation to drink two liters of water a day will cause you to spend the night wanting to urinate.
  • Avoid alcohol. Although it depresses the central nervous system and that produces a sensation of relaxation, later it interrupts sleep and promotes apneas.
  • Skip the sweets. They raise blood sugar, and their subsequent plummet can end up waking you up in the middle of the night.
  • For dessert, dried fruit. A teaspoon of raisins, one or two dried apricots, a couple of plums … Although they are quite caloric, these fruits, rich in magnesium and B vitamins, promote the health of the nervous system and help produce serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates the cycle sleep / wakefulness. Here are foods to sleep better and have sweet dreams.
  • If you like our recipes, surely the course How to organize your weekly menu will interest you. You can also use the Detox Plan in 7 days course.